Friday, July 26, 2019

The digital and online marketing strategies adopted by the main UK Essay

The digital and online marketing strategies adopted by the main UK grocery supermarkets - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that over time, aggregate demand generated for consumer use goods and services has substantially increased in major economies of the world. Higher demand has carved the way for increased production-oriented activities. Furthermore, higher production participation has enhanced the degree of market rivalry between profit-making commercial firms. At this juncture, without the essence of modern cost-efficient marketing activities, a company cannot achieve success in business. The researcher in this assignment is a marketing consultant, responsible for this report that summarizes online and digital marketing strategies implemented by grocery supermarkets of the U.K. The summary will include critical analysis of the strategies, based on a comparative analysis framework. In 2013, it was estimated that net worth of the U.K. grocery market was  £169.7 billion. The surplus value of the industry had increased by 3.7% from 2012 to 2013. It is forecas ted that by 2018, worth of the industry would be  £205.9 billion, along with an annual growth rate of 21.3%. Since the U.K. grocery supermarkets operate in an Oligopolistic market, they are exposed to cut-throat competition. Each profit making company undertakes decisions regarding price and output on the basis of strategic behavior. In the current epoch, the internet has helped in formulating new strategies and business models for firms across several industries. Online shopping or retailing approaches have substantially changed the U.K. supermarket retailing process. These changes are noted in channel coordination and development, business scope, central business model, core processes, buyers’ value creation and online partnerships related to firms. Tesco has started to conduct trade over digital marketplaces from 1994, which was named as â€Å"Tesco Direct†. Later in 2000, the company had launched its official website, Tesco is considered to be the larg est online U.K. based grocery retailer in the world. The company had invested large sums of money for online marketing purposes. It had conducted advertisement campaigns for internet phones it had sold. The company promoted these internet phones by providing free call facility the owners. Tesco was also the first online grocery retailer, which had initiated home delivery facilities to customers. However, all activities of the company are highly sustainable to the environment.

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